The Role of Education System in Producing & Reproducing Gender Inequalities

1.    Introduction
Since, the period of infant child, the time of education is initiated with a specific code of conduct. Initially, education is classified as an informal procedure of getting knowledge in which an infant child perceives his parents and siblings and imitates them in a profound manner (Adrian et al., 2011). The gradual process of the infant growing into the form factor of young child is perceived, the overall process of education becomes more structured during the Play Group and Montessori Level. If you are in a graduate school, academic lessons tends to remain intensive and focuses on the education of the child that is transferred from the school system. However, the education is much involved in the form of learning simplistic approach of possible evidences and truths.

The global perspective of our education institutes also focus on socialisation for the betterment of our society. Our educational standards provides us a learning environment to express a deep gratitude to learn much about traditional and cultural norms, that are intimated and measured by our mentors, journal papers, textbooks, and our colleagues. Most probably, you would have memorised basic calculation and multiplication tables in your pre-schooling session, albeit, you would also be given an intensified role to explore and learn about social rules and regulations during breaks and assembly period in the morning. You would most probably reviewed about a parliamentary approach in your course of ethics and social studies that would be classified as a learning approach about how to remain attentive and positive in the course of action.

In the context of socialisation, the overall system of mass education is considered as a secondary tool to evaluate the measures of importance within the families. Basically, it promotes two of the major socialising parameters: homogenisation and social categorisation. The students from distinct backgrounds learn the general curriculum that effectually renovates diversity into uniformity (Kromydas, 2017). Likewise, the students learn a professional understanding of knowledge, common cultural characteristics, and a corporate emphasis on the preserved priorities of the society, and therefore all the consequences are distinguished into various tracks records.

The overall demonstration of facility that focuses on the standardised approach to devise curriculum or through the informal patterns of differentiating between the statuses in social living standards as a classification on paths to high-status norms on the society. The one who encompasses facilities within the recognised framework and curriculum or throughout the informal process of discrepancy in the life of students be it a societal life or a customary notion on trajectories to the informed status locations in the society (Research Press., 2020). Those who are less aware of the fact that regularly confined approach to inferior, demoralised roles in the society. However, the tactics involved in the curriculum of schools and teaching instructions provides students a detailed insights to recognise students to learn from a quite an early age to examine their location guidelines in the alphabetical or numerical form via their peers and colleagues. Hence, In this regard, schools are philosophical interventions of standardisation.

1.Critical Analysis of Theories of Education in Sociology
Perceptively, American Educationists are serving on both political and financial requirements, which is categorised as a function of education. In the context of today’s world, sociologists and educationists often have discussions and critical speech on the operations of educational framework (Committee, 2015). There are several theories that presents the classification of their viewpoints such as functionalists’ theory, conflict theory and the systematic representation of interactionist theory.

1.1 Functionalist Theory
In the context of sociology and education, the functionalist theory presents a core essence of the ways that global education acts as a mediator of the society. Initially, the common functionalist theory perceives the education context in its mainstream identity, it conveys a general knowledge and approach to express their skills to the upcoming generation.

Initially, Durkheim, the founder of functionalist theory clearly identifies the latent role of education as a specific notion of socialising individuals into the mainstream glimpse of the society. This type of education is often perceived as a cohesive representation of the social framework that collaboratively engages people together from distinct backgrounds and circumstances that provides the sole aspect of other latent roles of education including the transmission of core values and social control (McLaren, 2015). The core values of the foreign educationists presents the characteristics and norms of the supportability of the political and financial methods that usually follows the schematic pattern of the education. Hence, the children living in the foreign countries often receive rewards for their schedules with the certain directive to meet deadlines and obey the consultant and the authority.

1.2 Conflict Theory
Conflict theories provides an intensive approach for the valuable insights of the goal of education to maintain social equality and reserving the authority of those who are classified as a dominating figure in the society. The Conflict theorists often provides the similar expressions of education that are often perceived by education specialists. Likewise, functionalists clarify the role of education as a beneficial contribution to the functional parameters of the society. However, conflict theories takes the insights of educational patterns as perpetuating the status level by dulling the lower classes into presenting classification of an obedient and cooperative employees.

Although, functional and conflict theories expresses that the entire educational methods and overall practices are sorted in a quantifiable and predictable manner, but they disagree on the insights about how it endorses the sorting mechanism. Seemingly, the functionalists claim that schools are considered as same sort of based upon the merits and consequences of the theorists. However, the conflict theorists always argue that schools sort along distinct class and ethical boundaries. Based on the conflicting remarks of the theorists, the staff members of schools deliver training session to the lower key personnel and staff to express their deepest gratitude to keep up with the working session to accept their position as a lower instinct class member of the society. Hence, the conflict theorists are perceptively clarifying the proper guidelines of the education based on the “hidden curriculum.”

1.3 Symbolic Interactionist Theory
This theory is classified as a social, moral and ethical way to exercise patterns of meeting their needs in quantifiable form. Symbolic Interactionist often restrict their analysis of education to what they directly observe happening in their classroom environment. They tend to present an image of how teacher expectations wisely influences the performance of the student, its perceptions and moral attitude to meet the communal, societal and progressive needs of the enhance the adventure of the symbolist approach to meet the tight deadlines for the delivery of the course material and relevant terms and conditions.

In 1968, Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jackson conducted the landmark study for this critical methodology. Initially, they explored a student group having a balanced IQ tests. The researchers examined that a vast range of students who said they would like to showcase and improve their skills and capabilities in the future (Callender, & Dougherty, 2018). They consulted with their mentors about their final results, and asked them to provide them some instruction to enhance their skills in a short and tempered form. However the researchers frequently conducted the IQ tests at the Q4 of the year, this resulted in the increase of the IQ level of the students within a short period of time. Hence, the importance of this research heavily relies on the conditions that are needed to be met the aims and objectives of the study.

1.4. Postmodernism Theory
Postmodernism theory encompasses the key elements of socio-economic, ethical, traditional and linguistic theory that has a divergence in the conceptual viewpoint that has been exhibited in multiple disciplines such as civil engineering, architecture, sociology, linguistics and ICT etc. It is usually required that the postmodern transition has brought leading insights in the late 1950s, and it might still continue to proceed ahead in the marketplace. The postmodernism can be linked with the authority of control alterations and dehumanisation of prior to the era of Second World War and the assault of consumer entrepreneurship (Management Help, 2020).

Postmodernism usually applies to the relationship with the notion of modernism. Initially, modernism was considered as a first aesthetic movement which was classified in the form of trend in the early years of the twentieth century. It has been observed that postmodernism is a continual approach that relinquishes from the delusion of the modernist posture. It also shares many characteristics with modernism. Both of these schools are rejected the rigid boundaries between higher range and lower range of artistic components. It further goes a step ahead and purposely merges lower and higher classification, resulting in merging past with the future, or a specific category with another one (Caroline Sarojini Hart, 2019). The successful combination of distinguishing, vigorous parts shows that postmodernism tempt to use a seamless imitation which was also utilised by Modernist Theory. The collaboration of these schools showcased a fictional and non-fictional elements that reflected the concept of both modernism and postmodernism to visualise a fictional, constructed and solid understanding and interpretation of this approach to address multidimensional instances that comprises of profound examples of meeting their aims and objectives in a precise and well-organised complied form.

2. Problem Solving & Decision Making for Social Perspective
According to the practical research and exploration collaborates together, if you cannot solve a particular problem instead of making a precise decision and evaluation of tasks pertaining to the consequences and circumstances of the specific approach (Skovdal, & Campbell, 2015). There are a wide variety of decision-making specialists, some of them use a scientific, balanced and logical aptitude. However, others are much concerned about the recent initiatives tailored to meet the guidelines and measure progress in a well-defined way.


2.1. Stages of Problem Solving
The most profound method that utilises both coherent and instinctive or well-defined methods and tactics. Hence, some of the steps that are needed to be undertaken are described below:

2.1.1. Problem Identification
If you are facing some problem or issues, you must initially determine the root cause of your problem. Seemingly, you might think about certain processes and concerns that you would have to track and identify it (Geels et al., 2015). Meanwhile, it seems to be flexible and easier to focus on the diagnosis instead of symptoms, you must use a logical aptitude to examine your issue. The following research queries are the common that constitutes:

What are my observations?
What were my activities when the problem aroused?
Whether the problem is also a symptom of the current problem?
What type of information you might require?
Have you already made an attempt to relinquish the problem?
Thus, the standard problem solving techniques stand out to be similar, even if the issues that are examined might be different from the initial problem identification strategy. In particular, the more complicated problem is the most essential instance that seems to be methodological in your problem-solving techniques.

2.1.2 Alternative Search
It might seem understandable you have to do to identify the problem. Sometimes, this is true, but most of the times, it is important to identify the possible alternatives. This is where the creative insights of the issues often arise when the concept of problem-solving comes into action.

The concept of brainstorming comes within a group that can be classified as an essential resource to identify the possible alternates (Ragnedda, 2017). This comes across with many action that are possible to comprehend within the overall organisational workflow. You can devise an action plan that expresses the problematic situation and find out versatile ways and approaches to spend you precious time to find out alternatives and considering their circumstances that will possibly result into the best outcomes.

2.1.3 Choose Decision Wisely
Certain individuals and groups might avoid making prevalent issues and consequences to address the possible solutions. Hence, if you are avoiding to make a decision is itself a prevalent decision. In certain circumstances, an issue can intensify if it isn’t dealt in a punctual manner. For Instance, if you are not handling customers’ queries, the client will most probably become much irritated and worried about the particular workload (Lareau, 2015). Hence, you will have to put a lot of efforts and work hard as much as possible to get a well-suited response to the said problem.

2.1.4 Incorporate Your Decision
After you have successfully finalised your decision, then next phase is to incorporate it. This consists of detailed planning to ensure that all sections of the functions are constituted as a seamless aspect that requires certain amendments and changes. For Instance, if you are setting up a business then kitchen might be formulated again. New employees will require extra training sessions, your responsibility is to make a wise plan for a short timeframe, whilst the essential changes are being contributed, and the only thing you have to assure is to inform your clients about the specific timeframe.

2.1.5 Examine Results
When you have successfully incorporate your decision, it is important for you to analyse and examine the results. The final results might provide valuable information about the managerial procedure, the suitable choice, and the incorporation process is itself considered as a fruitful results pertaining to education, relationship building and sociology viewpoint (Carey, & Crammond, 2015). Hence, this approach will be valuable for us to improve the responses of the various responses with a subsequent timeframe with a prevalent decision has to be completed.


In a nutshell, the overall methodological tactics involve a wide spectrum of opportunities that leverages the benefits and advantages towards education, healthcare and sociology requires problem-solving skills and aptitude to solve your problems and devise new solutions to provide a seamless response that makes it a valuable approach to provide diversity and reliance on various fields of expertise concerned with the opinions of consultants and specialists to provide a uniform approach to meet the solutions.


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